Friday, July 21, 2006

What does a yeast infection look like?

For women the first signs of a vaginal yeast infection may be a thick white discharge that causes itching and irritation.

Yeast infections may also occur in the oral cavity. When this happens, it's called thrush. Thick white areas will form in all areas of the mouth, from the tounge, the roof of the mouth, to the cheeks. These white areas will be look like white strands connected to each other, they are not easy to wipe away. Forcibly trying to remove thrush may cause bleeding. The tongue can also become irritated and red. Oral thrush doesn't itch, but it is painful.

Diaper rashes are also cases of candiasis. A yeast infection on moist or irritated areas of skin appear as red patches with smaller red spots around it. These patches may be painful and itch.

In rare cases yeast may enter in to the bloodstream where an infection may go unnoticed until it reached the brain. At that point behavior and mental changes may occur. Those with a weakened immune system, for example those with AIDS, may get candiasis of the internal organs. In particular, it is common for oral thrush to spread down the esophagus and on through the GI tract.

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